Nikon NIS Elements Documentation Software
NIS-Elements D utilizes a single window graphical user interface tailored for facilitating image capture, object measurement and counting, databasing and report generation. Menu options have been streamlined, making this the most intuitive and easy-to-use microscopy software package on the market. The combination of integrated automated intelligence, streamlined workflow, attention to detail and creative design makes NIS-Elements Documentation the perfect package for clinical and industrial applications such as particle analysis, defect analysis and fiber & textile material analysis.
Key modules in the package include an optional database capability allowing one-click image acquisition and transfer from a camera to a user-defined database. A report generator allows users to create report templates for PDF-based reports. The product also includes sophisticated large image stitching capabilities, enabling the capture of ultra-high resolution images with a motorized stage. Optional plug-ins are available, such as the Extended Depth of Focus (EDF) module, which creates an all-in-focus image from a series of Z-axis images.