MetLogix Digital Readout
Clean, Intuitive Design Combining a familiar user experience with current touchscreen conventions, the Mx200 readout can quickly be integrated into your process while being accessible to a wide range of users.
Optical Edge and Crosshairs Probes Available for both Optical Edge and Crosshairs only measurement systems the Mx200 probing options are simple and intuitive. The exclusive EdgeLogic™ feature enables gesture driven control of start and end measurement commands, alleviating the need to interact with the DRO directly. Just cross the same edge twice to start and end measurements! Features and Constructions Supporting industry standard feature measurement and popular construction types. Toggle feature construction sub-types quickly with the change feature type button. Supporting Keypad and Touchscreen control Ideal for Optical Comparators, Measuring Microscopes, or any Metrology device requiring encoder supported measurement. s
Optical Edge and Crosshairs Probes Available for both Optical Edge and Crosshairs only measurement systems the Mx200 probing options are simple and intuitive. The exclusive EdgeLogic™ feature enables gesture driven control of start and end measurement commands, alleviating the need to interact with the DRO directly. Just cross the same edge twice to start and end measurements! Features and Constructions Supporting industry standard feature measurement and popular construction types. Toggle feature construction sub-types quickly with the change feature type button. Supporting Keypad and Touchscreen control Ideal for Optical Comparators, Measuring Microscopes, or any Metrology device requiring encoder supported measurement. s